equine founder

Herbal Remedies for Horses including.
The O.K. Corral Series educates, promotes, and supports professionals in the practice of authentic equine-assisted work. Authentic equine-assisted work honors and
Equine Science products were developed to give the horseman an alternative way of improving the health and performance of their horse. Check out our testimonials page
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AuroraSeren Equine
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Laminitis/Founder - Natural Horse Health.
Leigh Shambo has released her first book! The Listening Heart: The Limbic Path Beyond Office Therapy . Human-Equine Alliances for Learning (HEAL) is a federally
Laminitis, also refered to as founder, can be a devastating disease. Treating the disease naturally can offer some promise in helping the laminitic horse/pony recover.
equine founder
What exactly is Equine Sports Massage Therapy? Who/what is Equissage? Is massage therapy recognized (at racetracks and show barns) as valuable to a horse's well being?
Welcome to AuroraSeren Equine! (formerly Serenity Equine) Specializing In: Laminitis (Founder), Lower Limb Trauma, Amputation and Prosthetic Placement, Club Feet