Can t program my directv remote control for my viore tv

Can t program my directv remote control for my viore tv
Viore remote code | DIRECTV Remote.Replacement Remotes Online | Popular TV.
Can t program my directv remote control for my viore tv
RC: Viore tv codes (Page 3 of 4). offers RCA TV Remote Controls Remote Controls and RCA Replacement Remotes for Sale Online for TV, DVD, Flat Screen, and HDTVs at an unbeatable offers Replacement Remote Controls, Operating Manuals for all brand of TV, DVD, Flat Screen, HDTV & Home Theater sold in the USA and Canada.
can someone please give a code deference then 10030 to program my TV with my remote my TV brand is AOC model#L24H898 RC: Viore tv codes (Page 3 of 4). DirecTV RC64 Universal Remote.
I had to purchase a small VIORE tv for my kitchen. The DTV remote doesn't seem to want to work at all. It won't allow me to even try to program it.
21.11.2010 · Panasonic TV: 016,017,042,081,098,100,102,105,111,120,220. You can also use the "Power Scan method": Turn TV off. Hold TV button down for 3 seconds.
Unfortunately, in my experience Akai has not always been very consistent with the IR codes they use in their products. Have you tried using the code search method to
How do you program an LG TV remote with DirecTV? You need to be more specific with the model of your remote control, you can find it on the top left

Four-position MODE slide switch for easy component selection; Code library for popular video and stereo components; Code search to help program control of older or
How do you Program lg tv with directv.
can't program my AOC TV to rem | DIRECTV.
RCA TV Remote Controls | RCA Replacement.
can't program my AOC TV to rem | DIRECTV.
Hi, I want to thank you for letting me know the Viore is made by Akai The codes in my instructions for two of my Comcast remotes are 0030,0702 the 0702 worked for me