dy dx x sin(x 2) y
For the function y=ln[sin(x)], what is.
17.04.2010 · Best Answer: y = ln(sinx) The derivative of ln(u) is (1/u) u'. So we can say that u = sinx and also u' = cosx. dy/dx = (1 / sinx) cosx Simplify: dy/dx
Jiskha Homework Help - Search: fin dx/dy. Die besten Bücher bei Amazon.de. Jetzt versandkostenfrei bestellen!
integrate x^2 sin y dx dy, x=0..1,.
The answer to integrate x^2 sin y dx dy, x=0..1, y=0..pi Enter what you want to calculate or know about in science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering
In this problem we can see that there is no use of the dependent variable y in the equation (except in the derivatives) To solve it, we first reduce the equation to a
For the function y=ln[sin(x)], what is.
Number of results: 18,356 calculus considering that x is the independent variable in this equation: y + y^3 + 3 = e^y^2 + 3^x * cos(3y) - x Evaluate dy/dx I get to
23.11.2009 · Best Answer: y' = -1/x Use the chain rule, d/dx(log(3/x)) = ( dlog(u))/( du) ( du)/( dx), where u = 3/x and ( dlog(u))/( du) = 1/u: = 1/3 x (d/dx(3/x
22.07.2008 · Best Answer: x = 2sin(y) dx/dy = 2cos(y) = 2sqrt(1 - sin^2(y)) = 2sqrt(1 - (x / 2)^2) = 2sqrt(1 - x^2 / 4) = sqrt(4 - x^2) dx / sqrt(4 - x^2) = dy So
dy dx x sin(x 2) y
dy dx x sin(x 2) y
Jiskha Homework Help - Search: fin dx/dy.
How do i solve the integral :.
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